We create memorable characters with distinct features and expressions that capture personalities and engage readers emotionally.
Our illustrators craft detailed environments and dynamic scenes that bring your story's world to vivid life.
We maintain consistent artistic style throughout your book, ensuring a professional and cohesive visual experience.
From children's whimsy to detailed technical diagrams, we deliver accurate illustrations that serve your book's purpose.
Every illustration is optimized for both print and digital formats, ensuring quality across all publishing platforms.
The printing cost of the book depends on the following factors.
Page quality
Content color
Number of pages
Binding type
Number of copies ordered
The royalty calculation for books on Amazon depends on the format (eBook or paperback) and the pricing choices made by the author. Here's a brief overview:
For Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), authors can choose between two royalty options:
KDP offers a 60% royalty rate for paperbacks, calculated as follows:
Royalty = (List Price - Printing Costs) x 60% - applicable taxes.
Please note that expanded distribution and sales in certain regions may result in different royalty rates.
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